Day Care Accounting Software

You need all the technology you can get to help you manage the hustle and bustle of running a daycare facility. Start with good accounting software and keep track of your records with a touch of the button, administer payments automatically, and watch your workload lighten!


There are several important features of a daycare accounting software; or daycare accounting software has several functionalities that allow you to stay on top of the financials, even as you provide care and attend to the needs of both your kids and their parents.

Automatic billing is one such helpful feature – it allows you to easily post regular daycare fees and other charges against your client\’s accounts, especially if your rates are fixed and collected on fixed schedules. These days, daycare accounting software also has automatic receipt-printing features that allow you to automatically print receipts as you record payments. Talk about saving time!

You should choose accounting software that has special features to cope with more complicated billing arrangements. If your rates fluctuate (depending on whether parents are charged based upon a weekday or weekend stay or upon the number of hours a child stays, for example), it is a better idea to look for a variable-posting functionality – it will allow you to still easily post even irregular payments and bills, or post bulk payments and other specialized fees as a batch. You will also find this feature very helpful when you have to bill more than one payee for one child (if the child\’s parents are divorced, for example). You can do accounting for separate balances and distribute individualized statements of accounts.