Free Traffic Course – Day 3

This day will be devoted to a very important strategy of getting free targeted web site traffic – link exchange.

Link exchange is a very powerful technique to rise the status for your
web site. But before starting to speak about link exchange, several words should be said https://designwebs.infoabout PR or page rank of the web site.

The term page rank was introduced to wide online audience by Google – the search engine that enjoys the most popularity with web site users. Today this search engine offers 8,058,044,651 web pages for search.
Google is used by online visitors worldwide. Let’s be fair – today
Google is the leader among search engines. And catching up with the
leader is still a dream for other search engines. That is why everything used by Google is of great importance to web site owner – Google gives targeted traffic.

So, page rank is a kind of status that Google gives to all web sites. Page rank “0” means the lowest status, no status at all. “10” is the highest mark. It means users really flood your web site. You can pack traffic in Christmas boxes and send them to children 🙂

Why is page rank critical for getting targeted visitors? When user makes any search in Google, the search engine “checks” all web sites in its database. The web sites that have bigger page rank for the submitted keyword have bigger chances to get to the very top of found results. Would you like to be among first 10 web sites found for “car insurance”, if your web site is specializing in this business? Surely you would. So, page rank is crucial for your web site.


Google algorithm takes many factors into account to give every web site its page rank. One of them is – how many web sites in your niche have links to your web site. Please remember that links should be from
your niche – they must be relevant; the web sites must have the same niche keywords in their meta data and descriptions that your web site has.

If this rule is valid, then page rank magic with