Preserving Power Distribution Assets: What Are Corrosion Avoidance Techniques?

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How to Keep Electrical Assets Corrosion-Free

Alkyds paint

Alkyds are oil-modified polyester paints. They are popular low-cost architectural paints that are often used when high gloss, versatility, and durability are required, but they are not
suitable for larger structures and equipment. They do not adhere well to galvanized metals unless an appropriate primer seal is used first. Their color fades quickly, and the coating cracks.

Coatings made of silicone

There are several methods, but silicone-based anticorrosion coatings have proven to be the most effective in the electrical utilities, oil and gas, mining, and chemical industries. Silicone is not affected by ultraviolet light. The silicone polymer-based elastomeric anti-corrosion coating is flexible throughout its life and can withstand heat, humidity, chemicals, salt spray, and sand-induced ultraviolet abrasion.

SilprocoatTM is a ready-to-use product that can be sprayed immediately after opening the pail and will last for more than ten years in the harshest environments. Silprocoat is not only elastic and weather-resistant, but it is also extremely simple to apply. It can be applied by spray, roller, or brush, requires no mixing, dries quickly, and requires no primer.